Wednesday, October 16, 2019

National Programme for Information Technology Essay

National Programme for Information Technology - Essay Example The NPFiT programme is designed to be in ten years and deliver key elements that are concerned with NHS care record service (National patient Record Spine and Local Service Providers), electronic bookings, electronic transmission of prescriptions and underpinning IT infrastructure and network. The implementation of the program will involve new technology and information systems are being implemented in planned phases both at national and local levels. National Application Service Providers are responsible for purchasing and integrating IT systems common to all users nationally whereas locally, this will be provided by Local Service Providers across ten strategic health authorities in England grouped into three regional programmes. Their mandate is to ensure that the local systems that exist or being put into use go hand in hand in meeting the national standards that will also facilitate the flow of data nationally and locally.This program has key components set up to deliver the new IT systems and services that include the national network providing infrastructure and broadband connections for the NHS to enable patient information to be shared between organisations. Care records service ensures every patient will have his individual record easily accessible to him and health professionals hence reduce administrative and clinical errors. A national central database – referred to as Spine – will is the backbone of the project as it has a summary of patient records and key data. such as NHS numbers, demographic details, drug allergies, medications and significant diagnoses or problems. It will also point

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